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Buy cigarillos by Romeo y Julieta

Whether Winston Churchill was a great lover of the dramas of his compatriot William Shakespeare? In any case, Shakespeare's famous lovers Romeo and Juliet were the inspiration for the Spanish-language name for the Romeo y Julieta brand. It is one of the oldest brands among the top habanos, the manufactory has existed since 1875. The brand became world famous during the early 20th century under the leadership of Don "Pepin" Rodríguez, a talented businessman who was one of the first to recognize the power of cigar rings. During his heyday, no less than 20,000 different cigar rings were used for production.

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Romeo y Julieta Club
mild - medium
Romeo y Julieta Club
Varianten ab €16.20*
Inhalt: 20 Piece (€0.83* / 1 Piece)

Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 43 Pieces auf Lager

Worth knowing

The long, thin format among the small short fillers from RyJ is one of the most popular Cuban cigarillos. An ideal first contact with the world of Cuban tobacco! Burns approx. 10 – 15 minutes.


The differences in flavour to the „Minis“ (see there) are naturally – ümanageable. In fact, the longer cigarillo format has the perceptibly larger smoke volume, the somewhat softer and smoother aromas – more sweet and fragrant than woody, although the „Clubs“ also contain something of both worlds of taste. It is always amazing how well the Cubans manage to pack the brand character of their premium cigars into these small short fillers! Here, for example, you can taste hazelnut and red apples, and later also latte. Great!

Romeo y Julieta Mini
mild - medium
Romeo y Julieta Mini
Varianten ab €12.50*
Inhalt: 20 Piece (€0.65* / 1 Piece)

Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 11 Pieces auf Lager

Worth knowing

The smallest tobacco product of the brand that is as immortal as Shakespeare's tragedy is a big hit with customers. And rightly so, as it offers just under 10 minutes of enjoyable smoking!


Cigarillos with such a tiny diameter tend to be sharp - not this one! The charming mini-smoke comes across as astonishingly mild and "round", which, in addition to fine woody spice and a clearly noticeable sweetness of honey and light fruits, also has the characteristic roasted and leather tones of RyJ to offer. Despite the naturally short smoking time, summer feelings arise in no time. Medium-bodied and not overtaxing for any smoker, yet pleasantly uncomplicated to enjoy.

Romeo y Julieta Club Limited Edition 2021
Romeo y Julieta Club Edicion Limitada 2021
Inhalt: 20 Piece (€0.81* / 1 Piece)

Ausverkauft - z.Zt. nicht verfügbar

Worth knowing

Every year, individual formats of the ever-popular cigarillos of the Cuban premium brands are honoured with special limited editions. They usually come in a sturdy light metal tin specially designed for the EL instead of the usual cardboard box. This year, the 2 thin formats from RyJ make a noble Christmas gift – the attractive golden leaf decoration is in the Art Nouveau style.


The differences in taste to the Minis“ (see there) are by nature quite manageable. In fact, the longer cigarillo format has the perceptibly larger smoke volume, the somewhat softer and smoother aromas – more sweet and fragrant than woody and full-bodied, although also in the Clubs“ there is something of both worlds of taste. It's always amazing how well the Cubans manage to pack the brand character of their premium cigars into these little shortfillers! Here, for example, you can taste hazelnut and red apples, and later also latte. Great!

Romeo y Julieta Puritos
medium - strong
Romeo y Julieta Puritos
Varianten ab €5.80*
Inhalt: 5 Piece (€1.28* / 1 Piece)

Ausverkauft - z.Zt. nicht verfügbar

Varianten ab €5.80*
Inhalt: 25 Piece (€1.28* / 1 Piece)

Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 4 auf Lager

Worth knowing

The largest RyJ cigarillos in the practical five-pack are the favourites of numerous aficionados who like it medium-bodied and balanced. For a good quarter of an hour, you can imagine yourself on the beach of Cuba.


Flowery, delicately fruity, with that very typical Cuban note between leather, wood and nut - the wonderfully balanced flavour picture that hits the exact middle between different worlds of aromas is the perfect compromise in the most positive sense. Amazing how close the cigarillo "large format" comes to the smoking sensation of a small RyJ long filler! Even a development towards more earth and roasted flavours is perceptible. A must for all friends of first-class short fillers!

Romeo y Julieta Edition Limitada 2020 Club the lovers especially set in scene
medium - strong
Romeo y Julieta Club Edition Limitada 2020

Ausverkauft - z.Zt. nicht verfügbar


Den wehmütigen Abschied der beiden Liebenden sehen wir auf den üblichen Pappschachteln auch – aber hier, auf farbenprächtigem Blech, nimmt die Szene viel mehr gefangen. Immer fesselnd ist der Inhalt – Kuba pur für ca. 15 Minuten.


Die geschmacklichen Unterschiede zu den Minis“ (s. dort) sind naturgemäß überschaubar. Tatsächlich hat das längere Zigarillo-Format das wahrnehmbar größere Rauchvolumen, die etwas sanfteren und weicheren Aromen – eher süßlich-duftig als holzig-röstig, wiewohl auch in den „Clubs“ etwas von beiden Geschmackswelten steckt. Es ist immer wieder verblüffend, wie gut es den Kubanern gelingt, den Markencharakter ihrer Premium-Zigarren in diese kleinen Shortfiller zu packen! Hier etwa mein man glatt Haselnuss und rote Äpfel zu schmecken, später auch Milchkaffe. Klasse!

Romeo y Julieta Mini 50
Romeo y Julieta Mini 50
Varianten ab €29.50*
Inhalt: 50 Piece (€0.60* / 1 Piece)

Ausverkauft - z.Zt. nicht verfügbar

Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 3 Pieces auf Lager

Worth knowing

Like Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta also offers regular connoisseurs a timelessly beautiful, storage-friendly cedar wood box as a large packaging unit.


Cigarillos with such a tiny diameter tend to be a bit harsh – not this one! The charming mini-smoke comes across as surprisingly mild and „round“, which in addition to fine woody spiciness and a clearly noticeable honey and light fruit flavour also has the characteristic RyJ Röst and leather tones to offer. Despite the naturally short smoking time, summer feelings come up in no time. Medium-bodied and not too demanding for any smoker, but pleasantly uncomplicated to enjoy.

Romeo y Julieta Mini Limited Edition 2021
Romeo y Julieta Mini Edicion Limitada 2021

Ausverkauft - z.Zt. nicht verfügbar

Worth knowing

Every year, individual formats of the ever-popular cigarillos of the Cuban premium brands are honoured with special limited editions. They usually come in a sturdy light metal tin specially designed for the EL instead of the usual cardboard box. This year, the 2 thin formats of RyJ are a noble Christmas present - the gorgeous golden leaf decoration is in art nouveau style.


Cigarillos with such a tiny diameter tend to be sharp - not this one! The charming mini-smoke comes across as astonishingly mild and "round", offering fine woody spice and a clearly noticeable sweetness of honey and light fruits, as well as the characteristic roasted and leather tones of RyJ. Despite the naturally short smoking time, summer feelings arise in no time. Medium-bodied and not overtaxing for any smoker, yet pleasingly uncomplicated to enjoy. And the best thing: No extra charge for the regular pack!

Romeo y Julieta Edition Limitada 2020 Mini a romantic break snack
medium - strong
Romeo y Julieta Mini Edition Limitada 2020

Ausverkauft - z.Zt. nicht verfügbar


Das kleinste Zigarillo-Format von RyJ bietet schon lange genussreiche Entspannung für ca. 10 Minuten. Aus der hinreißenden Verpackung dieser limitierten Auflage schmecken die Kleinen gleich noch ein bisschen besser!


Zigarillos mit so winzigem Durchmesser neigen gern zur Schärfe – diese nicht! Erstaunlich mild und „rund“ kommt der charmante Mini-Smoke daher, der neben feiner holziger Würze und einer deutlich spürbaren Süße von Honig und hellen Früchten auch die charakteristischen Röst- und Ledertöne von RyJ zu bieten hat. Trotz der naturgemäß kurzen Rauchdauer kommen im Handumdrehen Sommergefühle auf. Mittelkräftig und für keinen Raucher überfordernd, dabei erfreulich unkompliziert zu genießen. Und das schönste: Kein Aufpreis zu den regulären Päckchen!