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Buy cigarillos by Montecristo

The Montecristo brand's sophisticated reputation precedes it throughout the world. No brand is better known and none is so synonymous with a premium Habano. It is the reference for all other Habanos. Quality, taste and aroma are outstanding and very intense. The sonorous name alone evokes memories of childhood and the first encounter with the novel The Count of Montecristo by Alexandre Dumas in every aficionado. The similarity of the name is not a coincidence, but due to the fact that the novel was one of the favorite readings of the readers for the torcedores in the manufactory H.Upmann, where it was originally handmade. So in the search for a fitting name for the lace habanos was quickly agreed. Since its baptism in the 1930s, the Montecristo has been an authority that no other Habano can pass by. At least for lovers of medium-bodied blends. Today, the selection, originally limited to an assortment designated from No.1 to 5, includes everything the cigar smoker's heart desires - from the majestic Montecristo A to the small Joyita. They all have the typical Montecristo taste in common.

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Montecristo Puritos
Montecristo Puritos
Varianten ab €6.25*
Inhalt: 5 Piece (€1.36* / 1 Piece)

Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 34 Pieces auf Lager

Varianten ab €6.25*
Inhalt: 25 Piece (€1.40* / 1 Piece)

Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 1 auf Lager

Worth knowing

Like RyJ and Partagás, Montecristo also offers the largest cigarillo format commonly found in Cuba. There is no better companion to dream yourself away from everyday life for just under 20 minutes with a strong espresso!


This Monte cigarillo also has everything you would expect from the brand. A gentle, yet intense pleasure - mocha beans, dark chocolate, a little nutmeg, caramel on the palate, increasingly earthy towards the end; you can even taste a real smoke progression in the short filler! It should be noted that the MC cigarillos seem a little lighter throughout than the premium cigars; in this respect, this great format will also delight all beginners who want to enjoy Cuban tobacco without smoking a whole cigar straight away.

Montecristo Mini
Montecristo Mini
Varianten ab €13.70*
Inhalt: 20 Piece (€0.71* / 1 Piece)

Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 16 auf Lager

Worth knowing

Unfortunately, not all global Cuban cigar brands offer cigarillos. But Monte is represented with all the popular formats in top quality. The Rillo dwarfs for 10 minutes are just as convincing as the larger ones.


Surprisingly, the small ones are not, as one would expect, stronger and spicier than the larger MC cigarillos. The aroma is essentially the same as that of the "Club" - including the surprisingly pronounced caramel sweetness for such thin short fillers. Of course, the roasted flavour is the focus, but at no time is it pointed or unpleasant. Rather, it is wonderfully integrated into the moderate spiciness and the typical coffee notes. Perfect for familiarising yourself with the brand!

Montecristo Short
Montecristo Short
Varianten ab €12.50*
Inhalt: 10 Piece (€1.29* / 1 Piece)

Lieferzeit: 1-3 days, 10 Pieces auf Lager

Worth knowing

The latest addition to the brand's cigarillo portfolio are these "short Puritos", which get to the heart of their taste sensation. 10 times a quarter of an hour of high pleasure in the practical sliding box!


The creamiest and flavorful MC cigarillos! Espresso with crema and little sugar, bitter-sweet spices, the typical extra-fine cocoa note, sometimes a little hay... it's simply amazing how balanced and full-bodied these little pieces are. At medium strength, they burn absolutely reliably and maintain their aroma until the last puff, becoming somewhat more intense and earthy. What an enrichment in the range of small short fillers, just like the “shorts” from Trinidad and Cohiba!

Montecristo Open Club
mild - medium
Montecristo Open Club
Varianten ab €18.40*
Inhalt: 20 Piece (€0.94* / 1 Piece)

Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 5 Pieces auf Lager

Worth knowing

Good idea to exploit the lighter, yet brand-typical blend of the "Open" series also in 2 formats of shortfiller cigarillos! Quite mild, yet fully aromatic, a "Club" provides up to 15 minutes of good humour.


Oh yes, the Monte aroma is here! More latte than espresso, more milk than dark chocolate, less earth and spice; but just as nice sweetness and that fragrant wood/hay/flower note that sets the "Open" range apart from the other MC.s, even in the longfiller segment. As one of the most beginner-friendly Cuban cigarillos, this bestseller offers pleasing variety and balance. In keeping with the series' focus on maximum outdoor suitability, perfect to smoke on a walk!

Montecristo Mini 50
Montecristo Mini 50
Varianten ab €31.50*
Inhalt: 50 Piece (€0.64* / 1 Piece)

Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 4 Boxes auf Lager

Worth knowing

Unfortunately, not all global Cuban cigar brands offer cigarillos. But Monte is represented with all the popular formats in top quality. The Rillo dwarfs for 10 minutes are just as convincing as the larger ones.


Surprisingly, the small ones are not, as one would expect, stronger and spicier than the larger MC cigarillos. The aroma is essentially the same as that of the "Club" - including the surprisingly pronounced caramel sweetness for such thin short fillers. Of course, the roasted flavour is the focus, but at no time is it pointed or unpleasant. Rather, it is wonderfully integrated into the moderate spiciness and the typical coffee notes. Perfect for familiarising yourself with the brand!

Montecristo Open Mini
mild - medium
Montecristo Open Mini
Varianten ab €13.40*
Inhalt: 20 Piece (€0.69* / 1 Piece)

Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 1 auf Lager

Worth knowing

This is the very first MC cigarillo recommended to the young connoisseur. 10 minutes of light smoking pleasure! Not only in strength, but also in the original design of the box, the "Open" cigarillos go their own way.


Here, the summery floral and "vegetal" flavour facets are even a little more central than in the "Clubs". Nevertheless, the noble brand is easily recognisable from the unmistakable toasty-spicy aromas even in this tiny format. Only the very best cigarillos manage to bring out the character of a longfiller blend so clearly - this one does! Despite moderate strength and a generally mild play of flavours, they remain consistently entertaining even for long-time Cuba fans.

Montecristo Club
Montecristo Club
Varianten ab €18.40*
Inhalt: 20 Piece (€0.94* / 1 Piece)

Ausverkauft - z.Zt. nicht verfügbar

Ausverkauft - z.Zt. nicht verfügbar

Worth knowing

The longer format of particularly slim cigarillos is one of the traditional classics in the world of tobacco. And you can hardly enjoy a small amount of excellent tobacco in more style than with these great "clubs"!


As with premium cigars, the rule of thumb for cigarillos is: the thinner, the more intense. Nevertheless, these little smokes are absolutely not biting or harsh. Rather, they bring across the brand's typical leading aromas - coffee beans, cocoa, spices, a little earth - so clearly that they are instantly recognisable as Montes! Because of their characteristic flavour, they go better than almost any other cigarillo with a double espresso - but also with a fine cognac.

Montecristo Club Edicion Limitada 2023 in a metal case
Montecristo Club Limited Edition 2023

Ausverkauft - z.Zt. nicht verfügbar

What you need to know

The time has come again, as every year the Montecristo Club cigarillos are released in a limited metal design edition.


As with premium cigars, the rule of thumb also applies to cigarillos: the darker, the more intense. Nevertheless, these small smokes are not at all harsh or harsh. Rather, they convey the brand's typical key aromas - coffee beans, cocoa, spices and a little earth - so clearly that they are instantly recognizable as Montes! Due to their characteristic taste, they go better than almost any other cigarillo with a double espresso – but also with a fine cognac.

Montecristo Mini Edicion Limitada 2023 in a metal case
Montecristo Mini Limited Edition 2023

Ausverkauft - z.Zt. nicht verfügbar

What you need to know

The time has come again, as every year the Montecristo Mini cigarillos are released in a limited metal design edition.


As with premium cigars, the rule of thumb also applies to cigarillos: the thinner, the more intense. Nevertheless, these small smokes are not at all harsh or harsh. Rather, they convey the brand's typical key aromas - coffee beans, cocoa, spices and a little earth - so clearly that they are instantly recognizable as Montes! Due to their characteristic taste, they go better than almost any other cigarillo with a double espresso – but also with a fine cognac.

Montecristo Short 50 Edicion Limitada
Montecristo Short 50 Edicion Limitada

Ausverkauft - z.Zt. nicht verfügbar


Die Montecristo Short ist nun auch in einer wunderschönen 50er Zedernholzschatulle erhältlich. Dieser gehört nicht zum Standard Sortiment und ist daher streng limitiert. Auch perfekt als Geschenk geeignet.


Die cremigsten und geschmacklich rundesten MC-Zigarillos! Espresso mit Crema und wenig Zucker, herbsüße Gewürze, die typische extrafeine Kakaonote, zuweilen ein wenig Heu… einfach der Hammer, wie ausbalanciert und vollmundig die kleinen Teile sind. Bei mittlerer Stärke brennen sie absolut zuverlässig und halten ihr Aromenspiel bis zum letzten Zug, wobei sie etwas intensiver und erdiger werden. Was für eine Bereicherung im Angebot an kleinen Shortfillern ebenso wie die „Shorts“ von Trinidad und Cohiba!

Montecristo Short 66 Year of the Rabbit brown short sticks for the Rabbit

Worth knowing

Within a few years, the Cuban producers' idea of establishing a relatively short and thick cigarillo format with the "shorts" turned out to be a stroke of genius. Normally supplied in sturdy boxes of 10, the shorts from Cohiba, then also from Trinidad and since 2020 from Monte have delighted fans of Cuban premium tobacco. Now, to mark the current "Year of the Rabbit" in the Chinese Zodiac, the MC bestseller is being treated to a noble special edition in an artfully lacquered wooden box, adorned with the iconic lily, the brand logo and a pretty Mümmelmann including Chinese characters. We haven't yet found out exactly why it contains 66 pieces - but it's certainly better than 65!


The creamiest and tastiest MC cigarillos! Espresso with crema and little sugar, tart-sweet spices, the typical extra-fine cocoa note, sometimes a little hay... simply amazing how balanced and full-bodied these little pieces are. At medium strength, they burn absolutely reliably and hold their aroma play until the last puff, becoming a little more intense and earthy. What an enrichment in the range of small shortfillers just like the "shorts" from Trinidad and Cohiba!