Buy Humidors and humidor accessories
Not only, but especially friends of Cuban premium cigars appreciate the advantages of a longer-term maturation storage of their beloved leaf rolls. After all, Habanos only develop their full aromatic character after a few years. So it is always worthwhile to give these delicate treasures, which react very sensitively to unsuitable storage conditions, an appropriate comfort zone, i.e. a humidor made of tropical cedar wood with a functional humidification system that permanently guarantees the optimum humidity of approx. 69-72%. Only with such an accessory and the matching accessories - Boveda humidity cushions or liquid humidifiers, hygrometers, etc. - does it make sense to build up a private cigar collection. And last but not least, a decorative humidor also looks good! At and you will find the right "treasure chest" for your collection in different price ranges and sizes for every taste - of course only from the most renowned brands such as the famous Adorini!
The term Boveda comes from the Spanish and means vaulted cellar. It is a proprietary humidity control product that has been specially developed for use in cigar cases, countertop and travel humidors. Each Humipak contains a saturated salt and water solution protected by a bi-directional permeable membrane. The Boveda Humipaks offer the user the advantage that he no longer has to remember to top up the humidor's water reservoir, as he simply replaces the corresponding number of Boveda Paks in the humidor every 2 - 3 months. The Humipaks are designed to release treated moisture into the humidor, thus minimising the risk of bacteria, mould or fungi developing in the humidor. They also have the advantage over other humidification systems that they minimise fluctuations in the moisture balance, allowing cigars to mature perfectly. The constant moisture balance preserves the natural oils and sugar components of the cigars, giving them the opportunity to improve with age.
The term Boveda comes from the Spanish and translates into German as vaulted cellar. It is a user-friendly humidity control product that has been specially developed for use in cigar cases, countertop and travel humidors. Each Humipak consists of a saturated salt and water solution protected by a permeable membrane. The Boveda Humipaks offer the user the advantage that he no longer has to remember to refill the humidor's water reservoir every day, as he simply replaces the corresponding number of Boveda Humipaks every 1 - 3 months. These are designed to release treated moisture into the humidor, thereby reducing the risk of bacteria, mould or fungi forming in the humidor. They also have the advantage over conventional humidification systems that they minimise fluctuations in the humidity balance of the humidor, allowing the cigars to mature perfectly. The constant humidity level preserves the natural oils and sugar components of the cigars, giving them the opportunity to mature optimally.
The term Boveda comes from the Spanish and means vaulted cellar. It is a proprietary humidity control product that has been specially developed for use in cigar cases, countertop and travelling humidors. Each Humipak contains a saturated salt and water solution protected by a bi-directional permeable membrane. The Boveda Humipaks offer the user the advantage that he no longer has to remember to top up the humidor's water reservoir, as he simply replaces the corresponding number of Boveda Paks in the humidor every 2 - 3 months. The Humipaks are designed to release treated moisture into the humidor, thus minimising the risk of bacteria, mould or fungi developing in the humidor. They also have the advantage over other humidification systems that they minimise fluctuations in the moisture balance, allowing cigars to mature perfectly. The constant moisture balance preserves the natural oils and sugar components of the cigars, giving them the opportunity to improve with age.
The name Boveda comes from the Spanish and translates into German as vaulted cellar. It is a patented product for humidity control that has been specially developed for use in cigar cases, countertop and travelling humidors. Each Humipak contains a saturated solution of natural salts and pure water, protected by a bi-directional permeable membrane. With the Boveda Humipaks, you no longer have to remember to top up the water reservoir in your humidor, as you simply have to replace the corresponding number of Boveda Paks in the humidor every 2 - 3 months. The Humipaks release treated moisture and significantly reduce the risk of bacteria, mould or fungi developing in the humidor compared to other humidification systems. The Humipaks also prevent fluctuations in the moisture balance, allowing the cigars to mature perfectly. The constant moisture balance preserves the natural oils and sucrose, allowing cigars to improve with age.
Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 17 auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 2 auf Lager
The name Boveda, which comes from the Spanish, translates as vaulted cellar. It is a proven product for humidifying cigars that has been specially developed for use in countertop and travel humidors. Each Humipak contains a saturated salt and water solution protected by a bi-directional permeable membrane. The advantage of Boveda Humipaks is that you no longer have to remember to refill the water tank of the humidor humidifier, as you simply replace the appropriate number of Boveda Humipaks in the humidor every 2 - 3 months. The Humipaks release treated moisture into the cigars and, compared to other humidification systems, significantly reduce the risk of bacteria, mold or fungi developing in the humidor. Humipaks also reduce fluctuations in the humidity level of the humidor and allow cigars to mature perfectly. The constant humidity level also preserves the cigars' natural oils and sugar components, giving them the opportunity to mature better and better with age.
Angelo replacement polymers are the perfect solution for maintaining optimum humidity in your humidor. These replacement polymers have been specially developed to absorb excess moisture and release it again when required. This ensures constant humidity in the humidor, which is crucial for the storage and maturing of your cigars.
Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 11 Pieces auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 3 auf Lager
The name Boveda comes from the Spanish and means vaulted cellar. It is a practical product for humidity control that has been specially developed for use in cigar cases, countertop and travel humidors. Each Humipak contains a concentrated salt and water solution protected by a bi-directional permeable membrane. Compared to other humidification systems, Boveda Humipaks have the advantage that the user no longer has to remember to refill the water reservoir of his humidor, as he simply replaces the corresponding number of Boveda Paks in the humidor every 2 - 3 months. The Humipaks are designed to release treated moisture into the humidor, thus minimizing the risk of bacteria, mould or fungi forming in the humidor. They also have the advantage of minimizing fluctuations in the humidity balance of the humidor, allowing the cigars to mature perfectly. The constant humidity level preserves the natural oils and sugar components of the cigars, allowing them to continue to develop with age.
Lieferzeit: 1-3 days, 11 auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 1 auf Lager
The name Boveda, which comes from the Spanish, means vaulted cellar. It is a highly valued product among aficionados for humidifying cigars that has been specially developed for use in countertop and travel humidors. Each Boveda Humipak contains a saturated salt and water solution encased in a bi-directional permeable membrane. The Humipaks have the great advantage that you do not always have to remember to refill the water tank of the humidor humidifier, because you simply replace the corresponding number of Boveda Humipaks in the humidor every 2 - 3 months. The Humipaks release treated moisture into the cigars and, unlike other humidification systems, significantly reduce the risk of bacteria, mold or fungi developing in the humidor. Humipaks also reduce fluctuations in the humidity level of the humidor, allowing cigars to mature perfectly. The constant humidity level also preserves the natural oils and sugar components of the cigars, allowing them to mature better and better with age.
Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 10 auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 4 Pieces auf Lager
Worth knowing
The name Boveda comes from the Spanish and means vaulted cellar. It is a patented humidity control product that has been specially developed for use in cigar cases, countertop and travel humidors.
Product information
Each Humipak contains a saturated salt and water solution protected by a bi-directional permeable membrane. The Boveda Humipaks offer the advantage that you no longer have to remember to refill the water reservoir in the humidor, because you simply replace the corresponding number of Boveda Paks in the humidor every 2 - 3 months. The Humipaks release treated moisture to the cigars and significantly reduce the risk of bacteria, mold or fungi developing in the humidor compared to other humidification systems. Humipaks also minimize fluctuations in the moisture balance and allow cigars to mature perfectly. The constant moisture balance preserves the natural oils and sugar components in the cigars, allowing them to improve with age.
The term Boveda comes from the Spanish and means vaulted cellar. It is a useful humidification accessory that has been specially developed for use in humidors. Each Humipak contains an enriched salt and water solution surrounded by a bi-directional permeable membrane. Compared to other humidification systems, Boveda Humipaks have the great advantage that the user does not have to constantly remember to refill the humidor's water reservoir, as he simply replaces the required number of Boveda Paks every 2 - 3 months. The Humipaks are designed to release treated moisture into the humidor, thus minimizing the risk of bacteria, mould or fungi forming. They also have the advantage of reducing fluctuations in the humidity level of the humidor, thereby creating the perfect climatic conditions for the cigars to mature. The constant humidity level helps to preserve the cigars' natural oils and sugar components, giving them the opportunity to develop further as they mature.
Die runden PuroTemp Digital Hygrometer der Marke Xikar wurden so entwickelt, dass sie direkt nach dem Auspacken ohne Kalibrierung einsatzbereit sind. Die aus gebürstetem Aluminium gefertigten runden Hygrometer sind für langfristige Genauigkeit und minimalen Wartungsaufwand ausgelegt und schaffen ein modernes Erscheinungsbild. Das stilvolle digitale Hygrometer zeigt die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit im Bereich zwischen 20 % und 95 % sowie die Temperatur in Celsius und Fahrenheit im Humidor genau an. Mit diesem hochwertigen Humidorzubehör haben Aficionados noch mehr Kontrolle über die Lagerung und Reifung ihrer Zigarren.
Lieferzeit: 1-3 days, 7 Pieces auf Lager
Das Propylen Glykol der Marke Xikar unterstützt die Selbstregulierung aller Befeuchtungssysteme für Humidore auf eine relative Luftfeuchtigkeit von 70 %.
Durch diese Mixtur wird jeder Befeuchter zum idealen Befeuchter, egal ob es sich um einen Schwamm – oder Acrylpolymersystem handelt. Die perfekte Mischung aus Propylenglykol und destilliertem Wasser kann für jeden Befeuchter verwendet werden und liefert perfekte Ergebnisse inklusive antibakterieller Wirkung.
The word Boveda comes from the Spanish and means vaulted cellar. It is a tried and tested product for regulating humidity that has been specially developed for use in countertop humidors. Each Humipak contains an effective salt and water solution protected by a bi-directional permeable membrane. Unlike other humidification systems, Boveda Humipaks generate the advantage that the user does not have to constantly remember to refill the humidor's water reservoir, because he simply replaces the necessary number of Boveda Paks in the humidor every 2 - 3 months. The Humipaks are designed to release treated moisture into the humidor, thus minimizing the risk of bacteria, mould or fungi forming. They also have the advantage that they minimize fluctuations in the humidity balance of the humidor and thus create the perfect climatic conditions for the cigars to mature. The constant moisture balance preserves the natural oils and sugar components of the cigars, giving them the opportunity to develop further and further as they mature.
Die Xikar Crystal Befeuchtungselemente bietet eine ausgezeichnete Befeuchtung für ihre geliebten Zigarren an. Einfach den Befeuchter mit destilliertem Wasser befüllen oder mit dem, dafür ausgelegtem Xikar Propylenglykol. Hinter jedem Befeuchter befinden sich Magnet Platten, welche man in das Innere des Deckels befestigen kann. Der HumiStore 250 ist ausgelegt für einen Humidor mit einer Kapatzität von ca. 250 Zigarren.
- Einfach - Sicher - leichte Bedienung-
Der Begriff Boveda stammt aus dem spanischen und bedeutet so viel wie Gewölbekeller. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein in zwei Richtungen arbeitendes Produkt zur Feuchtigkeitskontrolle, das speziell für den Einsatz in Theken – und Reisehumidoren sowie Etuis entwickelt wurde. Jeder Bovedabeutel enthält eine gesättigte Lösung aus natürlichen Salzen und reinem Wasser, diese ist durch eine in beide Richtungen durchlässige Membran geschützt. Sie müssen nicht mehr daran denken, Ihren Humidor nachzufüllen, legen Sie einfach die entsprechende Anzahl an Boveda – Päckchen in den Humidor – fertig. Der Humipak von Boveda gibt aufbereitete Feuchtigkeit ab, sodass das Risiko, dass in Ihrem Humidor Bakterien, Schimmel oder Pilze entstehen, im Gegensatz zu anderen Befeuchtungssystemen deutlich abnimmt. Schwankungen im Feuchtigkeitshaushalt werden verhindert – so können Ihre Zigarren perfekt reifen. Anders als bei herkömmlichen Befeuchtungssystemen, garantiert Boveda einen konstanten Feuchtegehalt, was die natürlichen Öle und Zuckerstoffe in Ihren Longfillern erhält und es erlaubt, mit zunehmendem Alter immer besser zu werden, anstatt Geschmack zu verlieren. „Bóveda ist ohne Frage das effektivste Produkt, um ideale Reifebedingungen herzustellen!“ (Carlos Fuente jun., Arturo Fuente Cigar Company) Der Humidorpak von Boveda dient dazu Humidore zu befeuchten und ist so berechnet, dass er die jeweilige relative Luftfeuchtigkeit im Humidor erreicht. Der Befeuchtungsbeutel ist in einem luftdichten Verkaufsbeutel verpackt, d.h. im geschlossenen Zustand hält er quasi unbegrenzt.
Die Xikar Crystal Befeuchtungselemente bietet eine ausgezeichnete Befeuchtung für ihre geliebten Zigarren an. Einfach den Befeuchter mit destilliertem Wasser befüllen oder mit dem, dafür ausgelegtem Xikar Propylenglykol. Hinter jedem Befeuchter befinden sich Magnet Platten, welche man in das Innere des Deckels befestigen kann. Der HumiStore 100 ist ausgelegt für einen Humidor mit einer Kapatzität von ca. 100 Zigarren.
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Die Stadt Novara in der norditalienischen Region Piemont Stand Pate für den Namen dieses Humidors der Marke Adorini. Der Humidor ist außen mit einem hochwertigen Ebenholz – Furnier verkleidet, das auf Grund seiner Maserung dem Produkt ein sehr elegantes Äußeres verleiht. Dies dient jedoch nicht nur der Ästhetik, sondern sorgt für eine zusätzliche Abschirmung der Zigarren vor äußeren Umwelteinflüssen während der Reifelagerung. Der Humidor hat ein Fassungsvermögen von 75 Zigarren. Der Innenraum ist mit feinstem spanischem Zedernholz ausgekleidet und zusätzlich mit einem hochwertigen Acrylpolymer - Befeuchtungssystem von Adorini ausgestattet. Das sorgt für die ideale Luftfeuchtigkeit im Inneren des Humidors. Zudem sind ein vorkalibriertes Haarhygrometer sowie je zwei vertikale und horizontale Divider enthalten. Die Zubehörteile können wie bei Adorini üblich, durch einen im Deckel versteckt angebrachten Magneten sicher gehalten werden. Zum Schutz des Mobiliars werden die Böden aller Adorini Humidore mit einer Filzschicht bezogen. Jeder Humidor aus dem Hause Adorini wird mit einer lebenslangen Herstellergarantie ausgeliefert.
Die Torino Humidore der Marke Adorini verfügen je nach Zigarrenformat über ein durchschnittliches Fassungsvermögen von 30 Zigarren. Die Humidore verfügen über eine schwarze hochwertige Mehrfachlackierung und sind mit vergoldeten Quadrat – Scharnieren ausgestattet, diese dienen nicht nur der Ästhetik, sondern sorgen für eine zusätzliche Abschirmung der Zigarren vor äußeren Umwelteinflüssen während der Reifelagerung. Der Innenraum ist mit feinstem spanischem Zedernholz ausgekleidet und zusätzlich mit einem hochwertigen Acrylpolymer – Befeuchtungssystem von Adorini ausgestattet. Das sorgt für die ideale Luftfeuchtigkeit im Inneren des Humidors. Zum Schutz des Mobiliars werden die Böden aller Adorini Humidore mit einer Filzschicht bezogen. Jeder Humidor aus dem Hause Adorini wird mit einer lebenslangen Herstellergarantie ausgeliefert.
What you need to know
These holders are made of Spanish cedar wood and are available in different versions and offer space for up to 4 humipacks from Boveda. The holder is equipped with a magnet that allows it to be easily attached to the lid of a medium-sized humidor. This ensures that the humidification elements are always in the right place in the humidor. This holder is suitable for 60 gram Boveda packs.
Für mehr Bequemlichkeit im Humidor sorgen ist kein Problem mit dem Boveda Mounting Plate. Dieser ist für die 320 Gramm Bovedas ausgelegt und gibt ihnen mehr Platz im Humidor. Die Platte wird im Inneren Deckel des Humidors befestigt mit einer Magnetplatte. Das umlegen der Boveda Packungen gehört somit der Vergangenheit an. Für eine genauere Anleitung, klicken Sie hier um auf die Boveda Youtube Seite zu gelangen.
Worth knowing
All aficionados are very familiar with storing cigars in a humidor, but few realise that there are other ways of storing them. Storage in jars has been used since the 18th century. Jars are now elaborately designed, making them popular collector's items among aficionados.Product information
Cuba's premium cigar brand Cohiba has now released another jar in the brand's classic colours. Up to 25 cigars can be stored upright in the jar. These are optimally supplied with moisture by a passive humidification element built into the lid of the jar. The pioneer of storing cigars in porcelain jars is the Swiss Vahé Gerard, who also wrote in his literary work ‘Cigars and Lifestyle’: ‘They even gain in density, compactness and aromatic concentration and the wrapper leaf remains perfectly soft and oily.’These jars, which are often also called „jars“, offer space for up to 25 large cigars, which are stored upright in them. A passive humidification element in the lid of the jars is used to maintain the necessary humidity. They are packed in high-quality, sturdy boxes, which are also designed in the style of the respective brand.
Lieferzeit: 2-3 days, 2 Pieces auf Lager
Vom wohl renommiertesten Hersteller hochwertigen Zigarren-Zubehörs stammt dieser Premium-Reisehumidor aus stoßfestem Kunststoff, der Ihre Zigarren mittels einer Silikondichtung luftdicht verschließt. Der Innenraum ist mit Schaumstoff ausgekleidet; auch ein Befeuchtungssystem ist vorinstalliert. So ist ein hervorragender Schutz vor Schäden wie auch vor Aromenverlust garantiert. Ein Sicherheitsschloss hält lange Finger fern, rostfreie Stahlscharniere erhöhen die Lebensdauer. Der Hersteller bürgt für lebenslange Garantie und gewährt 20 Jahre lang den sofortigen Austausch im Fall von Defekten. In dieser Größe der perfekte Urlaubsbegleiter!
A stately Adorini for up to 75 cigars, decorated all round with the unmistakable motif of the Cuban flag - a dream come true for many a Habanos aficionado, and at a pleasingly affordable price! With this top brand, it goes without saying that the look is also highly appealing with a great wood grain and high-gloss finish, as is the absolute reliability of the equipment. Both the hygrometer and humidifier are of the highest technical standard and therefore on a par with the impressive quality of workmanship. A removable tray also keeps the interior of this piece of jewellery tidy. The place to be for your cigars - not just for Habanos!